Il s'agit d'un appui conjoint des PTF au Pool Technique avec comme objectif de soutenir les efforts en matière defficacité de laide pour obtenir des résultats de développement tangibles et durables en cohérence avec les priorités définies dans le CSCRP 2012-2017.
La présente mission a pour objectif général de fournir aux autorités, à la classe politique et à la société civile les informations utiles pour une prise de décision opérationnelle liée à la réalisation des listes électorales en vue d'élections équitables, transparentes et dont les résultats seront acceptés par toutes les parties prenantes.
Elaboration de l'Action Fiche et des DTA complets du programme
Activités de Cash et nouriture contre travail afin de soutenir les populations les plus vulnérables dans leur accès à la nourriture et dans la préservation de leur moyens de subsistance (court terme). Restauration et réhabilitation des facteurs de production (moyen terme)
Formulation d'un projet d'intervention identifié, financé sur le 11ème FED
Renforcement des capacités des institutions nationales en charge de l'organisation des elections en appuiant le processus electoral financierement et techniquement. Fournir de l'appui à l'education civique, la communication et information et la sensibilisation des electeurs par le biais des institutions et de la société civile. Le projet financé par un basket fund servira aussi à coordonner de manière efficace les appui des partenaires au processus electoral au Mali
Contrat d'assistance technique pour la phase étude du PACTEA 2
- Assurer le suivi de toutes réunions techniques et missions concernant le processus électoral et faire le lien avec la Délégation de lUE. - Appuyer les organes de gestion des élections, en mettant à sa disposition une expertise européenne en matière d'administration électorale pendant la phase de démarrage du processus électoral.
Aide budgétaire générale Engagement secondaire par le débit duquel toutes les tranches d'aide budgétaire globale du contrat pour l'appui à la consolidation de l'Etat pour le Mali seront décaissées, pour la période2013-2014.
Appuis institutionnels à l'INSTAT, à la cellule CSLP, au SHA et aux Cellules de Planification Statistiques
Réalisation du nouveau document institutionnel ''Partenariat Mali/UE 2013-2015
il s'agit de renforcer les capacités des acteurs publics et privés en charge de la mise en oeuvre des programmes d'entretien routier en utilisant l'approche HIMO.
Appui à l'élaboration du MJSP
Programme de développement économique du Cercle de Ménaka
Appui au TDON dans sa role de Chef de File des PTF Education
Atelier d'un jour sur le thème de la sécurité et le développement au Nord Mali
Capacity building Sini Sanuman
Malnutrition will be reduced in the Gao region, through the promotion of appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation. Good hygiene and nutrition practices are being promoted as part of this project, as well as integrated water resources management, to ensure sustainability. Twenty -four villages (42000 people) in the communes of Bamba and Temera will benefit. Promising low cost technologies, (hand -augered tubewells and rope and washer pumps), introduced during the first phase of Bani Fonda, will be scaled up and promoted. An advocacy strategy will be prepared and implemented.
Technical Assistance to DEA
Approfondir et enrichir l¿impact de l¿appui à l¿accélération de l¿OMD-5, Santé de la Reproduction (SR). L¿appui inclut des études, des explorations de partenaires et d¿assistance technique à la division SR, Ministère de la Santé et les ONGs engagées.
Programme Achat et Distribution de Manuels Scolaires/exercice 2010
bevordering politieke participatie van jongeren
Appui nstitutionnel au service de coopération de l'Ambassade
Implemented in Bourem Cercle, Gao region in favour of about 101.779 inhabitants, this project will contribute to achieve the governance objectives in Mali. It will enhance budget tracking and citizen control of public actions with a strong participation of poor and vulnerable peoples. The project results will contribute to the SCO 2. 4 and 5 : increasing resources mobilisation for social basic services, promoting transparency culture and accountability, local capacities building on programme monitoring.
Appui au Programme d'Alimentation Scolaire du Programme Alimentaire Mondial
Developpement trois cercles du delta interieur dans la region de mopti à travers l'amenagement de 8000 ha de plaines, 900 ha de perimetres irrigués, 50 ha de perimetres maraichers et 5 ha d'etangs piscicoles pour 85000 personnes 912 000 menages.
Contribution au Fond Commun des Organisations de la Société Civile
Appui à l'élaboration et mise en oeuvre de la politique éducative au Mali
Programme d'Investissement dans le Système Scolaire/Appui Budgétaire Sectoriel
Appui à la Construction des salles de classes au Mali
Appui aux pasteurs du cercle de Ménaka
Appui de la VNG à l'AMM pour rendre effective la gestion locale des compétences transférées
Contributions au Fonds commun des PTF pour le Pool Technique et le Secrétariat à l'Harmonisation de l'Aide
The project will be implemented with the close participation of local authorities (at regional, district and communal levels) and relevant technical departments from the various sectors. Intervention areas are targeted considering the ongoing interventions by other international organisations involved in the Gao region, such as Action Contre la Faim – Espagne, SNV, AEN, ICRC, etc. as well as UN agencies such as FAO, WFP, UNICEF and government agencies such as the Commissariat à la Sécurité Alimentaire (CSA), the Système d'Alerte Précoce (SAP). Interventions modalities will also be determined in light of current successful practices
Promoten en bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van Ségou tot artistieke en culturele hoofdstad van Mali.
Appui à la constitution de pôles d'entreprises agricoles competitifs et durables et améliorer l'environnement institutionnel par la mise au point des instruments innovateurs.Achèvement decembre 2014
Appui à la SFI pour la mise en oeuve de réformes visant l'amélioration du Climat des Affaires au Mali
Programme d'Appui à l'Office du Niger pour l'exécution du Contrat Plan 08-12
Accélération de l¿OMD 5 au Mali 2009 ¿ 2011, en appui direct au PRODESS. Le financement étendra l¿offre en Soins Obstétricaux et Néonatals d¿Urgence et inclut des activités et approches diverses comme engager des ONGs au niveau opérationnel
BAM Appui Budgétaire Général 2010 - 2014
Plan de Passage à l'Approche Sectorielle pour le Développement Rural
BAM BlonBa "Citoyens nous sommes!"
Behoud Malinees cultureel erfgoed Djenne en Dogon
formuler nouveau programme
Mali is bulding the Taoussa dam that will displace 55,000 people in the arid north. This project will work to apply the evidence base, learning what works, and what doesn't work according to the experience of 10 individual dams to inform improved approaches and policies and working to reinforce the capacity of local communities to respond to the opportuntities created by Taoussa dam. Foundations will be laid for improved sharing of benefits and the management of scarce water resources. Oxfam will work in partenrship with IUCN Mali, IUCN PACO and IIED to deliver the activities
ondersteuning mensenrechtenorganisatie AMDH
Financement aux activités de l¿AMPPF incluant la promotion des services de santé de la reproduction (SSR) des jeunes, amélioration de l¿accès aux SSR, plaidoyer, recherches et renforcement institutionnels. AMPPF est une association membre de l¿IPPF
Projet de renforcement de l'Harmonisation et de l'Efficacité de la Gestion de L'office du Niger à Ségou
ondersteuning aan culturele organisatie Acte Sept
Appui à l'AMM pour accéléler le transfert de compétences et de ressources de l'Etat aux Collectivités Territoriales
Human Rights-appui DEME SO
Appui au programme intergouvernemental Mali-Guinée de gestion integrée des ressources en eaudans le bassin versant du Niger superieur.Il s'agit dedevelopper un cadre de gestion durable des ressources en eau. Achevé en juin 2010.En cloture.
Appui au programme de développement institutionnel 2006-2009 du Gouvernement du Mali. Projet déjà terminé.
Appui budgétaire sectoriel (ABS) au PRODESS. Le programme est fédérateur (ABS+appui direct) et compréhensif pour la mise en ¿uvre du plan de développement sanitaire et social, prolongé à fin 2011; cadre pour toute intervention dans le secteur.
Apui a la securité alimentaire par la promotion del'irrigation de proximité dans trois cercles de la region de Mopti et la submersion controlée des plaines.Achevement 31 decembre 2011.
Appui aux organisations de producteurs et developpement des filières dans troic cercles de la region de koulikoro .Achèvement le 31 decembre 2011
Local response capacity HIV/AIDS control
The project contributes to the achievement of MDG 3 and the objectives of the Education for All (EFA), with a specific focus on the crucial transition of school girls from primary to secondary schools. The project will be implemented in 3 years in Kati circle, region of Koulikoro located in the South Eastern Mali. It aims at increasing the number of school girls who complete the primary education and progress to the secondary schools thanks to their addressing the main constraints leading to the drop -out of school girls. This will be achieved through the setting up of an effective community support mechanism in favour of the girls education.
conservation biodiversité et utilisation durable des ressources
Franstalige ondertitels bij uitzendingen Africa Report
Bijdrage aan katoenpromotie-festival
Financiele ondersteuning aan de organisatie van het Festival au Désert in 2012 bij Timbouctou
The project aims to improve the nutritional status of children and women in reproductive age through the following activities: i) provision of agricultural inputs and training to poor households for cereal and vegetable production; ii) targeted cash transfer and advice to women belonging to very poor households; iii) awareness raising and training of community advisors and women on nutritional practices; iv) support to women's groups in processing and conditioning enriched cereal products. Advocacy at local and national level will aim to share good practicies in particular about social protection measures.
Bijdrage aan de culturele programmering voor het eerste trimester van het seizoen 2011-2012 van cultureel centrum BlonBa
Appui à la mise en place de l'Université de Ségou
Mission d'appui genre dans le cadre de planification MJSP pur intégrer l'approche d'égalité genre
Appui au MEALN pour mettre en place d'une unité de controle interne du MEALN
Component 1: support exchange and learning among farmers' organisations on best practices, capacity building for advocacy, institutional support to rural women' organisations, support to initiatives of policy analysis and advocacy on food security by national farmers' organisations. Component 2: participation in relevant networks in Mali about food security, social protection and disaster risk management, analytical work on policies and practices, capitalisation of experiences at local level for advocacy at national level, link with similar initiatives at regional level
Mesures d'urgence pour alimentation en eau potable de la ville de bamako
To finance short-term, if needed ad-hoc, small-scale activities in support of the implementation of programmes in the field of education and vocational training supported by the Embassy
BAM Blokallocatie Cultuur 2012
Le projet metra en place un Pôle numérique de référence pour (i) former les compétences de haut niveau en TIC; (ii) générer des projets autour des TIC, et (iii) proposer un cadre de développement favorable aux entreprises existantes ou voulant se créer dans le secteur des TIC
Acte SEPT 2012-2014
Technical assistance
Facility for short term support or activities in the theme of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
HIV seroprevalence amongst the general population of Mali has decreased from 1.7 percent in 2001 to 1.3% in 2006. However prevalence is particularly high among certain high-risk groups such as sex workers (35.3 percent). The program supported by this Round 8 grant aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates linked to HIV and AIDS within the general population of Mali by improving universal access to adequate services of prevention, treatment, and quality care and support, with a particular focus on prevention among vulnerable populations. The program also aims to strengthen the national coordination and assessment follow-up capacities. The program is implemented by two Principal Recipients: the Ministry of Health National High Council for the Fight against AIDS (HCNLS) and Groupe Pivot Santé Population (GPSP).
Modernisation et consolidation de l'état civil
Conférence Coalition pour le Mali
Financement aux secteurs sociaux a travers ONGs
Financement secteurs sociaux a travers ONGs
The program "Expansion of the integrated prevention and care networks of STI/HIV/AIDS in Bamako and the 8 regional capitals of Mali" has as a global objective to support measures to prevent HIV transmission, particularly in high risk groups (blood-borne, sexual and mother-to-child-transmission), and to ensure medical, psychological and socioeconomic care for persons living with HIV. The program supported by this grant targets the expansion of integrated prevention and care networks for HIV and AIDS and sexually transmitted infections in the capital and regional centers. It includes measures to prevent HIV transmission, particularly among high-risk groups, and to provide medical, psychological and socioeconomic care for persons living with HIV. The HIV and AIDS epidemic in Mali, although with a low prevalence of 1.5 percent among the adult population, is particularly affecting groups that are considered at high risk, such as sex workers; who are believed to make up one-third of all those infected.
Appui au FSN
Bijdrage aan voedselhulp in Mali
Opvang ontheemden Mali/Malinese vluchtelingen in buurlanden
Accompagnement du Suivi de la Généralisation du Curriculum par l'Institut pour l'Education Populaire
BAM Programme ONUFemmes Assistance aux femmes/filles affectees par le conflit et participation des femmes au processus de consolidation de la paix
beroepsonderwijs voor voedselzekerheid
Islam et Paix
Prediction inondation inner delta
Forum Décentralisation 2012
BAM Renforcement Infrastructures SRGR Zone Tampon Nord Sud Mopti Segou
BAM Renforcement infrastructures sante dans zone tampon sud-nord
BAM achat des produits SR dans le contexte de la crise au Mali 2012 et 2013 appui de la PPM
Bijdrage 2012 via UNHCR aan Mali
BAM_AMPPF contribution au plan stratégique 2012 - 2015
Facility for short term support or activities in the field of GZ / SRGR
Kleine ambassade projecten
Fonds d'appui aux activités de courte durée
stabilité ec et soc
Ondersteuning van de African-led International Support Mission to Mali
stabilité economique et sociale
clinique juridique
Programme facilitation
POF V&R 2013
BAM relance services de santé post crise dans les regions de Mopti, T'tou et Gao, financement ONGs CARE Mali
TA to Falicitate MJSP implementation
retablir le service de l'eau a la population
BAM Appui Elections NOVIB
BAM Elections 2013 PNUD
Het verbeteren van de bescherming van burgers tijdens (internationale) militaire operaties in Mali. Optekenen van burgerschade, inventarisatie beheoften en wensen van burgers. Begeleiding van landen die meedoen aan de vredesoperatie.
This project will develop autonomous cooperatives in cotton areas of southern Mali, via provision of training, extension support, equipment and finance to enable diversification and more sustainable production practices, supported by national advocacy to improve the policy framework and rural investment. Economic activities of women will be promoted as well as measures to enable improved literacy, security of land tenure and access to finance for this group, which in turn will increase their access to decision making at local level.
The Malian National Action Plan of Adaptation to climate change highlights the high vulnerability of rural small farmers who constitute main beneficiaries of the Oxfam Cotton programme. Beyond the need to understand the nature of this vulnerability and to make an assessment of the possible adaptation options, this project of research -development will lead to a better information, education and communication campaign on climate change and its adverse effects. This project will also experiment in the best sustainable practices on adaptation to climate change such as mutual insurance, early mature crop seeds and water harvesting.
The overall objective of the project is to increase the ability of Oxfam GB to better respond to recurrent food crisis in Gao, north of Mali. The adopted strategies are investment in analysis and human resources. The results coming out of the major research activity of the project, the Household Economy Analysis (HEA) supplemented by the Cost of the Diet, are going to be used as baseline data for future programming and proposal development.
In 2007/2008 the Ministry of Education reported that in Gao regions rates of enrolment were 96.1%. In Gao region, poor health and child malnutrition rates are alarmingly high. A lack of safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation facilities and poor health awareness, as well as inadequate access to education facilities all contributes. This project aims to improve access to clean water for school children and local villagers and improve the learning environment in the poorest. Its a continuing project during 4 years.
This project will permit the completion of the planning stage of the next phase of advocacy work to support the provision of more and better basic services in Mali. Oxfam Great Britain – and other Oxfam affiliates in Mali and working with the Essential Services campaign - has made a clear decision to not only support the provision of basic services, but to also reinforce the capacity of local actors to understand their rights and access decision makers.
Oxfam GB in partnership with Save the Children US and the Institute of Rural Economics proposes an action that aims to globally reinforce resilience capacity of the poorest rural population to cope with the rising food prices, therefore contributing to fight against hunger in Mali. The project will target specifically poor and very poor households in the regions of Gao and Sikasso to enhance and secure access to food. It involves direct actions (cash transfers, sale subsidy of animal fodder, seeds production, regeneration of the pasture, trainings, etc), a Household Economy Analysis, results learning & dissemination and advocacy.
This 4 years project aims to improve access to clean water and sanitaion for school children and improve the learning environment in 89 schools of Kati district. It's part of the ""integrated Water and education project"" funded by Top Project for 10 schools as well as partof WASH in Schools project funded by Dubai Cares. It has been created to manage funds for the 75 schools in Kati district. It will be managed by the Education programme coordinator based in Bamako. Overall MEL system of the project will be managed by UNICEF and implemented by the MEL officer in a participatory process.
This project will generate new evidence on rural women's effective collective action in agricultural markets in Mali, to improve practice in Oxfam and partners' programmes. In Koulikoro and Sikasso regions, and nationally, stakeholder dialogues will other communication channels will engage key actors and promote evidence based innovation. Funding for the initiative is secured from Gates Foundation.
This project aims to mitigate the current critical food insecurity of extremely vulnerable agro -pastoralist and pastoralist households affected by agriculture gazing land, water and fodder deficit in the Gao region through targeted free distribution of food and aliment feed throughout the hunger gap. This is the second emergency response in Mali within the year, as the interventions and policies are not relevant to the crisis and can't have a long term impact. This project will have a communication and advocacy component to make sure that there is enough coordination and appropriate actions from the donors and the government. SCO3.1.
The purpose of this project is to build up the humanitarian capacity and capabilities of Oxfam staff and partners as well as allies and key players in Mali. It includes humanitarian preparedness and responses, assessments, research within the Sahel region, networking and influence (advocacy). The purpose of this projectt is also to drive responses when until capacity is sufficient.
This project covers the capacity building activities linked to the campaign. Thus is it foreseen to create and advocacy and rights manual adapted to the Malian context as well as carry out training and accompaniment of CS partners around these themes. This project also covers general functioning costs of the OI Advocacy Manager and international liaison.
This project is for the response to the food crisis in Temera and Taboye communes in Gao, where we have the most households affected by the bad agriculture campaign of 2011 -2012 as well as the greatest number of returnees from Lybia. From this project, 2,200 households will benefit from unconditional cash transfers and cash for work activities. 100 women groups will be targeted by the sensitisation activities and training on malnutrition risk prevention. 100 members from livestock cooperatives will participate in sensitisation and capacity building on livestock destocking.
Within the wider framework of Oxfam Mali's education campaigning work with its local partners, in particular the National Education for All Coalition, this project aims to capitalise on the opportunity of the 2012 Presidential and Legislative elections to promote political change around key issues in essential services, especially education. The project will support local partners to coalesce around a campaign which will involve lobbying of election candidates to adopt pledges on essential services issues, public mobilisation and follow up work to monitor election candidates.
This project is set to launch the OI response to the food crisis in Kayes. It aims to help mitigate the risks and shocks of the food insecurity in the most vulnerable communities in Kayes region. The response focuses on 3 phases: - One aiming at strengthening resilience and avoiding the depletion of the livelihoods assets of the very poor and poor families; - one during the lean period aiming at increasing the access to food and the fight against malnutrition; - and an early recovery of the most vulnerable families. Advocacy, coordination and monitoring complete these actions.
The project aims to set up a sustainable network of professionals working in the area of social sciences to share experiences and generate a collective knowledge on of food security in cotton producing areas of western and central Africa. More specially, this will be achieved through: creating analytical capitalization tools; communicating widely on the tools; training on scientific publication; diffusion of project findings; and finally creating a discussion space between researchers and practitioners. This project continues from MLIA51.
This to design a project that will look at quality of Oxfam intervention in Mali with the underlying hypothesis that ""Oxfam is using the opportunity of SMS to acheiving greater and better impacts from its interventions by 2015
The project will contribute to a sustainable improvement of food and nutrition security of 5000 poor and very poor households in the districts of Kayes and Yelimane affected by the food crisis in 2012. The project is a continuation of MLIA90 that accounted for the response to the food crisis in Kayes. This project will now take up the recovery phase for the most vulnerable households affected by the crisis, and will subsequently help them improve their resilience.
This project aims at meeting the most vulnerable households' needs resulting from the recent Mali food and security crises, as well as cholera outbreak. This will be achieved through a) strengthening the resilience capacity of the vulnerable households; b) increasing the access to food (both for human and animal consumption); c) promoting the early recovery and the transition towards longer term livelihoods activities; d) improving communities' access to essential services; and e) increasing the local authorities' capacity to respond to cholera outbreaks when these occur.
This project is a solidarity contribution of £20,000 to Caritas Mali’s emergency appeal EA 04/2012. Mali, like many other countries in the Sahel region, is facing a serious food and nutrition crisis. The 2011/2012 agricultural season was characterized by inadequate and unequal distribution of rain, causing a sharp drop in cereal production and a fodder deficit. The conflict that began towards the end of 2011 has increased the vulnerability and suffering of rural populations already severely affected by the food and nutrition crisis. According to the Malian Government, 3.47 million people are at risk or in severe food insecurity and 1.13 million people are in moderate food insecurity, mostly women and children. The nutritional situation has also deteriorated, and global acute malnutrition rates have reached a critical level in Timbuktu, Gao, Kayes and Koulikoro regions. Caritas Mali developed a response strategy in January 2012 and Caritas Internationalis released the Mali Emergency Appeal 04/2012 in January 2012. The EA was updated in March 2012 to take into consideration activities undertaken by other Caritas agencies in Mali (CRS, Caritas Germany and Caritas Switzerland). CAFOD has decided to focus on Niger for its response to the West Africa Sahel food crisis. Nevertheless, as discussed in IEG on 21st June 2012, CAFOD also wants to express its solidarity to other Caritas agencies and affected populations in the region, and decided to make an un-earmarked solidarity grant towards the Mali EA 04 2012 of £ 20,000. The emergency response project (see the project framework for further details) spans across the five dioceses of Kaye, Bamako, Sikasso, Segou and Mopti, and is built around the following activities: Free Food Distribution ; Sales of grain at a subsidised price ; Support to village cereal banks ; FFW ; Distribution of seeds (cereals) ; Distribution of seeds (shallots) to farmers associations.
Le projet aura pour objectifs spécifiques d'augmenter la production de canne et de sucre et de valoriser ses sous-produits
L'objectif sectoriel du projet est de renforcer l'intégration régionale et soutenir la stratégie de croissance et de désenclavement du Mali Le projet a comme objectif spécifique d'accroître la mobilité urbaine dans la ville de Bamako, de contribuer à la promotion de services de transport efficaces et accessibles le long de l'axe routier Bamako-Kankan et d'améliorer le niveau de vie des populations de la zone d'influence.
1.4.1,,L'objectif global du projet est de contribuer à l'amélioration de la situation socio-économique du pays et à la réduction de la pauvreté grâce à une meilleure connaissance des ressources et leur gestion intégrée. 1.4.2,,Les objectifs spécifiques du projet sont les suivants : i) renforcer les capacités de gestion de l'information et des données sur l'eau et ii) améliorer l'allocation des ressources entre les différents secteurs en tenant compte de la valeur économique de l'eau et des préoccupations transfrontalières. 1.4.3,,Le renforcement des capacités de gestion de l'information et des données sur l'eau permettra une meilleure maitrise des effets négatifs et la valorisation des effets positifs des changements climatiques sur les différents secteurs d'usage de l'eau et essentiellement le secteur agricole. .
Le but ultime du Programme est de contribuer à consolider la croissance et à accélérer la réduction de la pauvreté. Les ressources du Programme aideront le GdM à maintenir la viabilité du cadre macroéconomique et à exécuter le budget annuel conformément aux priorités qui ont été arrêtées. Les objectifs opérationnels du Programme sont : (i) l'amélioration du recouvrement des recettes fiscales ; (ii) le renforcement de la transparence dans la passation des marchés publics ; (iii) la fiabilité de la reddition des comptes publics et (iv) l'accélération de la décentralisation. La mobilisation optimisée des ressources intérieures est en ligne avec la volonté du GdM de tendre progressivement vers une meilleure prise en charge au niveau national, du financement des programmes de développement et de réduction de la pauvreté. Le Mali regorge de potentialités fiscales encore inexploitées, notamment dans le domaine du foncier et le secteur informel. Quant à la transparence dans la GFP, elle est déterminante pour obtenir la confiance des contribuables et une plus grande efficacité de la dépense publique. Au-delà de l'amélioration des ressources propres de l'Etat et de la transparence dans la gestion des dépenses publiques, les mesures retenues par le PASCRP II auront également une incidence positive sur l'environnement du secteur privé. Il s'agit notamment de la réduction des distorsions contenues dans le système fiscal malien et du renforcement de la concurrence dans la passation des marchés publics. La troisième composante du Programme porte sur une plus grande responsabilisation des collectivités territoriales dans la gestion du développement. Les réformes prévues dans le cadre du Programme visent à s'assurer que l'amélioration des ressources de l'Etat profitera effectivement aux populations à travers une accélération des transferts de ressources et de compétences aux élus locaux. Ces transferts devront être accompagnés d'un appui renforcé de l'Etat à travers ses services déconcentrés.
Projet d'assainissement et développement urbain de Bamako
Programme d'appui au secteur privé - PASP MALI
Programme d'urgence d'alimentation en eau potable de la ville de Bamako sur la période 2008-2010
Fonds d'expertise et de renforcement des capacités pour la préparation de projets au Mali
Appui au PISE III
Appui à la Formation professionnelle
Appui au Programme sectoriel éducation en 2009
Office du Niger - Appui contrat plan
Amélioration et prévention et prise en charge du diabète et de ses complications.
Développement d'une approche intégrée et préventive de l'abandon d'enfants
Appui au développement local dans la région de Mopti
Amélioration de l'offre d'enseignement fondamental dans le district de Bamako (1er cycle public)
Projet d'Appui à la Consolidation de la Décentralisation au Mali
Mali is a low-income country with a high prevalence of TB and a low detection rate. The program "Contribution of the Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS and Malaria for implementation of the 2007-2011 Strategic Plan" is implemented with the goal of reducing morbidity and mortality due to tuberculosis to reach the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, as well as those set by the Stop TB Partnership. The overall goal of the program supported by this grant is to reduce illness and death due to TB. Grant funds will be used to screen for TB through a bacteriological examination of recognized quality; provide standardized and supervised treatment, as well as support for the patient; contribute to the strengthening of the health care system; strengthen laboratory networks; and promote the International Standard of TB Care. The program targets Mali’s poor, nomads, populations in mining areas, people living with HIV, prisoners, people with asthma and people with multidrug-resistant TB.
Projet de Promotion de l'Education de Base en 5ème région du Mali
Programme sectoriel Education Mali - PISE 2
AEPA de centres semiurbains du sud Mali (Phase II)
Programme d'alimentation en eau potable et d'assainissement dans la région de Mopti
Fonds d'Etudes et de Préparation de Projets n°4
Fonds d'Etudes et de Préparation de Projets n°5
Aide budgétaire globale 2006-2008
Aide budgétaire additionnelle 2007, en complément de l'aide pluri-annuelle 2006-2008
Phase consolidation forêts classées- Mise en valeur eco-touristique forêts monts Mandingues
Financement du troisième plan à moyen terme de la BNDA pour la période 2003 - 2005
Programme de Développement Economique de la Zone de l'Office du Niger
Projet d'appui au développement économique des zones cotonnières
In Mali, malaria is endemic amongst more than 90 percent of the population. The overall goal of the program supported by this grant is to contribute to the reduction of illness and death linked to malaria in Mali. The main activity implemented in this grant comprises the acquisition and distribution of insecticide-treated nets to pregnant women and children under the age of 5 with the aim of significantly contributing to the reduction of malaria among these biologically vulnerable groups. Important behavioral community change activities are also being implemented to support the preventive component addressed by this grant.
HIV seroprevalence amongst the general population of Mali has decreased from 1.7 percent in 2001 to 1.3% in 2006. However prevalence is particularly high among certain high-risk groups such as sex workers (35.3 percent). The program supported by this Round 8 grant aims to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates linked to HIV and AIDS within the general population of Mali by improving universal access to adequate services of prevention, treatment, and quality care and support, with a particular focus on prevention among vulnerable populations. The program also aims to strengthen the national coordination and assessment follow-up capacities. The program is implemented by two Principal Recipients: the Ministry of Health National High Council for the Fight against AIDS (HCNLS) and Groupe Pivot Santé Population (GPSP).
In Mali, malaria is endemic amongst more than 90 percent of the population. The overall goal of the program supported by this grant is to contribute to the reduction of illness and death linked to malaria in Mali. The main activities of the program are intended to add value to efforts already in progress in the country, notably through the purchase and distribution of artemisinin-based combination therapy in response to high resistance to the drug chloroquine that has reached alarming levels. The grant also aims to support training activities for the health workers; and to improve the capacities of the National Program to fight Malaria (PNLP) to achieve its coordinating role at the national level.
In Mali, malaria is endemic amongst more than 90 percent of the population. The overall goal of the program supported by this grant was to reduce malaria-related illness and death by at least 25 percent. Grant funds have enabled the strengthening of capacity for early and proper malaria case management at home as well as in health facilities; increase the use of insecticide-treated nets at the community level, targeting pregnant women and children under 5 through a social marketing approach; design and execute a communication campaign aimed at behavior change; and train health staff.
Mali is a low-income country with a high prevalence of TB and a low detection rate. The program "Strengthening the case management of Tuberculosis according to the DOTS Strategy" supported by this grant aims to decrease TB-related illness and death in Mali and to mitigate the social and economic impact of the disease. The program targets TB-infected individuals and their families, as well as those co-infected with HIV. Grant funds are used to train health workers from all sectors and community focal points, including training of trainers; supporting the supervision of staff involved in detection and treatment of TB cases; acquiring and distributing microscopy equipment to public and private centers; implementing awareness and social mobilization campaigns; establishing partnerships and promoting networks to support TB patients and their families.
The main purpose of the Development Learning Center Project is to test the effectiveness and sustainability of a Development Learning Center (DLC) in Mali as part of a global knowledge-sharing network to strengthen the capacity of public, private, and civil society decision makers to design, plan, and manage social and economic development programs.
The Multi-Sectoral HIV/AIDS Project objective is to support efforts to control the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and provide sustainable access to treatment, and care to people infected with, or affected by HIV/AIDS, by strengthening the national response to the epidemic, raising the level of awareness on HIV/AIDS through the implementation of a comprehensive sensitization plan targeting high risk groups, such as youth, sex workers and truck drivers, and, providing sustainable access to testing and counseling facilities, including access to treatment, care and psychosocial support to persons infected with, or affected by the epidemic, and strengthening capacities to address, and maintain an effective monitoring and evaluation system on the epidemic. The first component - support to the public sector response - will help ministries and related public institutions initiate and/or expand the response to HIVIAIDS, by supporting ministries' preparedness, and implementation of sectoral plans that address the challenge of HIV/AIDS with an emphasis on prevention and care. The component will finance, and assist in the preparation of the ministries' action plans for HIVIAIDS control; and capacity building within the Government to manage the fight against HIV/AIDS in a sustainable manner. The second component will leverage the capacity of the private sector, and accelerate the effectiveness of the Government's efforts fighting HIV/AIDS, mobilizing the private sector through the creation of a business coalition against HIV/AIDS, targeting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), emphasizing participation by the informal sector through pilot, and demonstrative initiatives. The objective of the third component is to develop initiatives to combat HIVIAIDS by civil society organizations (CSOs), including community based organizations (CBOs), faith based organizations (FBOs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), women and youth groups, associations of people living with AIDS, and other grass roots associations. Capacity building will be reinforced to identify, prepare and implement action plans, and sub-projects. The last component will provide technical support services, equipment and materials, to develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system, including financial and technical aspects, to support epidemiological surveillance, operational research and surveys. A demographic and health survey, and a bio-annual behavioral surveillance survey will be implemented to monitor changes supported by training, and supervision. Certification of laboratories, voluntary counseling and testing, of treatment centers, and pharmacies providing antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) will be ensured.
The Structural Adjustment Credit (SAC-IV) for Mali aims at: (i) contributing to broad-based growth and poverty reduction by strengthening fiscal policy and financial sector underpinnings of stable, long-run growth. Fiscal policy will be strengthened, inter alia, by developing medium-term expenditure policy consistent with poverty reduction objectives; strengthening the link between the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) and the budget; and limiting budget transfers to parastatal enterprises. Financial sector reform will be advanced by taking steps towards strengthening of the financial system, and limiting the risk of bank insolvency; (ii) improving efficiency, accountability, and transparency in public expenditure management. This will be achieved by strengthening budget preparation, execution, and controls, increasing transparency and disclosure including at decentralized levels, and helping ensure better monitoring of and access to basic services by the poor.
The Economic policy and Public Finance Management Credit Project contributes to implementing the first, second and fourth pillars of Mali's Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (PRSF). Specifically, the project aims to: (1) promote growth and poverty reduction through (a) strengthening macroeconomic and fiscal management and (b) implementing key actions underpinning Mali's long-term growth and competitiveness; and, (2) improve efficiency, accountability and transparency in public finance management through strengthening (a) public expenditure management at central and decentralized levels and (b) the public procurement system. Macroeconomic management would be strengthened through prudent expenditure management; and greater linkage between the macroeconomic framework, the budget and the implementation of the PRSF. The growth support agenda would be strengthened through continued implementation of financial sector development actions to strengthen the health of the sector and enhance access to finance particularly longer term funds; implementation of key transport sector actions to improve quality and lower cost of transportation services; and implementation of trade facilitation measures to reduce processing/transactions costs of trade. Public expenditure management (PEM), drawing from the Government's Consolidated Action Plan for the Modernization and Improvement of Public finance management, would be strengthened through continuing the automation of information flows between key MEF de-concentrated departments (notably, treasury, budget and financial control) to increase information quality and transparency, improving the quality of published material on the financial and expenditure situation of the Government to increase transparency; and continued improvements in PEM processes, particularly internal and external budget control mechanisms. Public procurement would be strengthened through adoption of a coherent action plan and commencing its implementation, comprising updating of the legislative/regulatory framework, strengthening the linkages between public procurement and public finance management processes, and strengthening the private sector's access to public procurement opportunities.
The First Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-1) in Mali is the first in a series of operations supporting implementation of Mali's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (GPRSF) through the following three components: the first component focuses on strengthening the links between the GPRSF and the macroeconomic and budget frameworks, and strengthening public finance management (including procurement). The second component comprises growth-enhancing measures in the financial sector, private sector, transport and transit facilitation, electricity, cotton, and the Office du Niger irrigation zone. The third component focuses on improving access to basic social services, notably health and social development and rural water supply and sanitation. The report also highlights operation and implementation issues such as poverty and social impacts, monitoring and evaluation, fiduciary aspects, disbursement and monitoring, environmental aspects, and risk mitigation.
The Mali second transport sector project aims to provide better access and transport services to rural and urban communities especially by improving key rural infrastructure in Mali and urban transport infrastructure in Bamako. The project consists of the following components: Component A: will address improvement o f road access to isolated rural communities. Component B: will consist in: (i) creating a bus-only lane on Boulevard du Peuple; (ii) reconstructing a partially dedicated circular road in Bamako downtown to channel and facilitate minibus traffic; (iii) rebuilding pedestrian paths and passages to provide minibus passengers access to the center o f the city, and constructing two pedestrian bridges to cross over dedicated main bus roads; (iv) supporting institutional setup, overall operation, technical assistance, and consultant services to develop traffic management. This component will include technical advisory services and operating costs to: (i) support the implementation o f financial and institutional mechanisms to sustain road maintenance; (ii) implement a rural road access index study; (iii) implement social and environmental management plans to monitor mitigation measures for environmental and social impacts; (iv) monitor HIV/AIDS prevention and sensitization campaigns included in the project activities through the contracts for civil works and supervision works; (v) define and implement a medium-term sector strategy including capacity building for the various technical structures and implementation agencies; (vi) finance project management and financial and technical audits, and (vii) establish a monitoring and evaluation system (M&E), including communication activities.
The Second Education Sector Investment Program for Mali aims to increase the proportion o f Malian children completing a quality first cycle o f basic education and improve the overall efficiency of resources used in the education sector. The proposed three-year project will: (1) improve the quality of basic education; (2) increase access to education; and (3) strengthen institutional management capacities in education sector and program coordination management. The three-year project has three components: 1. Improving the quality of basic education through: (a)establishing reading areas in about 25 percent of classrooms in the first cycle of basic education and equipping of libraries in 5 Teacher Training Institutes; (b) implementing the Direct Support to Improve School Productivity scheme to purchase school supplies; and (c) supporting certification of about 3,000 community school teachers by providing a 60-day in-service training and providing a 60-day accelerated training for about 1,800 new teachers; 2. Increasing access to education through: (a) building schools in the first and second cycles of basic education (970 classrooms); (b) building and equipping a general secondary school (for about 600 students); and (c) supporting apprenticeship programs in key areas of youth employment; and 3. Strengthening institutional management capacities in the education sector and program coordination, especially in the following areas: (a) human resources management; (b) budgetary and financial management, and regulatory framework; (c) an Integrated Education Management Information System; and (d) program coordination and management, including carrying out Learning Assessments.
The Second Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-11) of Mali is envisaged as a single-tranche operation, to support the Government's medium-term program ensuring budget support for Mali's fiscal year (FY) 2008. The PRSC-11 would be the second in a series of two programmatic loans (PRSCs) designed to provide support to Mali's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (GPRSF), consistent with the Bank's Country Assistance Strategy (CAS). Building on PRSC-1, the operation would: a) strengthen oversight of public finances and the procurement system, thereby enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of public sector spending; b) provide the incentive to implement key economic, social and institutional reforms to strengthen overall economic performance, growth and poverty alleviation; and c) ensure delivery of basic services in view of reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly in the health and water sectors.
The objective of the Energy Support Project for Mali is to improve the access and efficiency of electricity services in Bamako and in other targeted areas in the country. There are three components to the project, the first component being transmission and distribution reinforcement and extension. This component is mainly intended to finance: (i) upgrade the electricity transmission line between Segou and Bamako; (ii) upgrade and reinforce 30 kv facilities in the peripheral area of Bamako, including the 150 kkv loop; (iii) upgrade and reinforce low and medium voltage distribution networks in Bamako; and (iv) upgrade and reinforce medium and low voltage distribution networks in areas of, among other, Kati, Segou, Kayes, Mopti, Sikasso, and Koutiala. The second component is the energy efficiency and demand-side management. This component is intended to finance: (a) a residential lighting program to replace incandescent or neon light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), in urban and rural households; (b) a street lighting program to replace incandescent or neon light bulbs by CFLs and/or high pressure sodium vapor lamps, in key urban and rural centers; and (c) a public facilities' lighting program to replace incandescent light bulbs by CFLs. Finally, the third component is the capacity and institutional strengthening of key sector institutions.
The development objective of the Governance and Budget Decentralization Technical Assistance Project is to strengthen capacity for public financial management at decentralized level for improved budgetary decision-making and enhanced transparency and oversight. There are four components to the project. The first component of the project is strengthening capacity for Public Financial Management (PFM) at decentralized level. This component has four sub-components: 1) resource mobilization and allocation criteria; 2) budget preparation and monitoring; 3) procurement; and 4) accounting and internal controls. The second component of the project is piloting new PFM tools in the basic education and health sectors. This component is organized in two sub-components: education pilot; and health pilot. The third component of the project is strengthening oversight and community participation. This has two subcomponents: external audit; and participation. The fourth component of the project is project implementation and coordination.
The objective of the Third Poverty Reduction Support Credit Program (PRSC-3) for Mali is to support government's owned reforms to improve the regulatory and institutional framework for infrastructure and private investment, strengthen public financial management, and improve basic service delivery. This operation is the first of a second series of three PRSC designed to support the implementation of the Government's poverty reduction strategy. This second series aims to strengthen public financial management and improve access to basic social services, while enhancing the regulatory and institutional framework for infrastructure and private investment. The reform program supported under this series continues and deepens the agenda introduced by the first series (PRSC 1 and 2), with an increased focus on social service delivery, particularly from the second operation. The reform policies supported by this new series are embedded in and aligned with Mali's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (GPRSF). The design of the series benefited from consultations with various stakeholders. The consultations were made under the Government's leadership, including in coordination with a group of donors who provide budget support to Mali for the GPRSF implementation. These consultations ensure Government ownership of the supported policies and harmonize donors around a common set of key reforms. The lessons learned from the implementation of the PRSC 1 and 2 were also taken into account in the design of this follow-up series.
The development objective of the Urban Infrastructure Development Project for Mali is to support strengthened institutional performance of targeted urban local governments. There are four components to the project. The first component of the project is performance-based and capacity support grants for secondary cities. This component will support the municipalities of Kayes, Sikasso, Segou and Mopti to improve their management capabilities and accountability through two sub-components: (A) performance-based investment grant, and (B) capacity support grant. The second component of the project is priority infrastructure investment, institutional restructuring, and capacity support grants for Bamako. This component will support the district of Bamako to address acute flooding problems and improve its management capabilities and accountability through three subcomponents: (A) phased grant for roads and drainage rehabilitation, (B) capacity support grant, and (C) institutional restructuring grant for the consolidation of the district of Bamako and its six communes into an institutionally more effective single metropolitan authority. The third component of the project is institutional capacity strengthening. This component will provide support to central ministries and agencies in fulfilling their respective roles in support of urban development in a context of decentralized management of local resources and basic services delivery to the population through three sub-components: (A) capacity building for project municipalities, (B) support to central government agencies in fulfilling specific functions contributing to project objectives, and (C) support to targeted strategic studies, including assistance in developing a strategy for restructuring and implementing the institutional arrangements for managing the greater Bamako metropolitan region. The fourth component of the project is project management, monitoring and evaluation. This component will finance management of the project and reporting on overall project progress.
The objective of the Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-4) for the Republic of Mali is to support government's owned reforms to improve the regulatory and institutional framework for infrastructure and private investment, strengthen public financial management, and improve basic service delivery. Specifically, the PRSC-4 focuses on supporting the government's efforts to (i) improve the business environment and enhance governance and efficiency in the agriculture and mining sectors; (ii) strengthen and modernize budget reporting and accountability; and (iii) improve education and health outcomes through improved management of health and education human resources, fiscal decentralization and co-financing the contributions of the poor in the mutual insurance schemes. The project has three components: (1) improving the policy environment for infrastructure and private investment; (2) strengthening public financial management; (3) improving basic social service delivery.
The overall objective of this second series of Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs) program is to support implementation of Mali's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (GPRSF) adopted in 2006. This program document proposes a fifth PRSC for the Republic of Mali in the amount of SDR 44.5 million (US$70 million equivalent). This operation is the third in a programmatic series of three PRSCs designed to support the implementation of the Government's poverty reduction strategy. Specifically, this second series aims to strengthen public financial management and improve access to basic social services, while enhancing the regulatory and institutional framework for infrastructure and private investment. The reform program supported by this operation continues and deepens the agenda introduced by third PRSC and fourth PRSC, with an increased focus on improving the environment for private investment and infrastructure. The design of the second PRSC series benefited from consultations with various stakeholders. The lessons learned from the implementation of the first four PRSCs were taken into account in the design of this follow-up operation.
The objective of the Strengthening Reproductive Health Project is to improve access and use of quality reproductive health services by women of reproductive age, in selected regions of Mali. There are three components to the project, the first component being strengthening supply and quality of reproductive health service. This component will have three subcomponents: financing of an Results-Based Financing (RBF) pilot, improving the supply of contraceptives, and capacity building in reproductive health and obstetric care. The second component is the increasing demand for reproductive health services. Finally, the third component is the social accountability, project management, and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). This component will support: (i) project management by a coordinating unit reporting to the Secretary General, including the contracting of individual consultants and a fiduciary agency that will provide procurement and financial management services.
This project is part of a sector-wide program to support the Government of Mali's efforts: a) to strengthen the sector's management and performance through reorganization and local capacity building; b) to restructure the transport sector's parastatals; c) to modify the regulatory and institutional framework in order to promote increased private sector participation in the provision of services and the execution of works; d) to rehabilitate and maintain a priority network of transport infrastructure; and e) to improve the transport operation's efficiency, and reduce transport costs. The project has four components: 1) a capacity building and training component to support the reorganization of transport services, and to implement sector policy measures; 2) a road component focusing on road maintenance, the improvement of rural and urban roads, technical studies and supervision, and the purchase of equipment for routine road maintenance; 3) a railway component focusing on the execution of the first tranche of a 10-year track rehabilitation program and the construction of a freight terminal, the improvement of the telecommunication system, the purchase of three medium capacity locomotives and rehabilitation of equipment, logistical equipment and studies to implement the railway restructuring policy; and 4) an investment component for airports to finance both safety equipment for the Timbuktu and Bamako-Senou airports and technical studies.
The Financial Sector Development Project for Mali aims to improve the soundness, performance, and competitiveness of the financial sector and enable it to support broad-based private sector growth. The project has five components. The first restructures and privatizes the commercial banking sector. It finances legal and advisory services to help the government prepare to evaluate banks to be privatized; prepare a privatization strategy, method, prospectus, and bidding documents; analyze the bids, recommend investor selection; and close the transaction. The second component strengthens non-bank financial institutions by funding audits; management information systems, staff training, technical assistance, and advisory services. The third component strengthens the capacity of the support and monitoring unit for micro-finance institutions (CAS/SFD), the professional association of microfinance institutions (by information sharing, dissemination of best practices, networking, and other demand-based services), and microfinance institutions themselves. The fourth component finances consultancy services and technical assistance to help identify and remove constraints in the regulatory and legal environment; conform the national and regional laws concerning credit; and implement regulations concerning loan guarantees, loan recovery, and incentives for new financial institutions and instruments. The fifth component strengthens the capacity of department in the finance ministry.
The Urban Development and Decentralization Project's main objective is to improve urban infrastructure service delivery on a sustainable basis by local government, in partnership with the Central Government the private sector and communities. The specific operational objectives are to: a) build local government management capacity; b) improve the provision of basic urban services; c) help preserve Mali's historical cities and monuments; and d) pursue improvements in urban land market operation. The project will include five main components: a) capacity building- consisting of studies, detailed mapping, assigning street addresses, setting up municipal accounting systems, training and support; b) basic urban infrastructure- consisting of maintenance, urban road rehabilitation and construction, sanitation actions, living condition improvement, land development, studies and management; c) historic cities and monuments including restoration and preservation of sites as well as construction of a National Library, Archives and documentation center; d) drinking water supply; and e) land development for housing.
The Agricultural Services and Producer Organizations Project (First Phase) will establish an institutional framework, to improve delivery of agricultural services to producers, by supporting the decentralization of core functions in the Ministry of Rural Development (MDR), promoting private sector participation, and empowering producer organizations. The project components will: 1) support the transfer of non-basic public service functions to autonomous private entities, by divesting/sharing activities between public and private operators, such as veterinary services, commercialization of improved seeds, management of slaughter houses, and/or provision of technical and management services to cooperatives. A new decentralized organizational structure of the MDR will be designed, to realign internal policies, and management systems, strengthen the regulatory framework, and, provide special rural training programs; 2) strengthen the National Agricultural Research System's (NARS) institutional capacity, and, upgrade its scientific research capacity. Applied agricultural research sub-projects will be financed, and/or co-financed with other donors, while demand-driven agricultural research/development subprojects will be competitively funded; 3) improve sustainability of the National Agricultural Extension system, through a progressive decentralization to the regions, to support research and development, training, and human resources management activities, and, pilot extension contracting to private providers; and, 4) support producer organizations, by providing training, technical assistance and management advice, as well as communication programs to disseminate relevant technical, economic, and organizational information.
The overall objective of the first phase of the Mali Education Sector Expenditure Program (ESEP) is to provide increased and equitable access to higher quality education. There are three project components. The first improves the quality of education by supporting early childhood development, pre-service and in-service teacher education, a curriculum linked to basic education needs, evaluation of learning outcomes and examination reform, a Reading First program, textbook and reading materials, special needs education, strengthening of the Medersa school, school and nutrition, reduction of grade repitition and dropouts, teaching and learning materials, the teaching of science and technology, vocational and professional training, instructional support, life skills and reproductive health courses, procurement of scientific equipment, strengthening of library and information services, and establishment of a competitive research fund. The second component increases access and improves equity in distributing school places by constructing classrooms, schools, and training centers. The third component strengthens the capacity of decentralized management by transfering capacity and resources to local governments, implementing a decentralization master plan and regional education development plans, and by reinforcing financial and personnel management.
The Health Sector Development Program Project's objective is to improve the health outcome of the population, with a focus on meeting the health needs of the underserved segments of the population, as well as accelerating the country's demographic transition toward slower population growth. There are three project components. The first component, expanding access to affordable quality preventive, social, and curative services, will improve coverage for primary health care; improve services in selected secondary and tertiary hospitals; improve overall technical efficiency, increase initial stocks of drugs and medical consumable; and provide support to nongovernmental organizations for health-related activities and action against social exclusion. The second component, strengthening the health system management capabilities, will cover management training; recruitment and redeployment of health personnel; reforms of pharmaceutical sub-sector; logistic support for managerial functions; and support to the Management Information Systems. The third component, exploring and developing sustainable financing schemes for the health sector, will be done through expansion of cooperative cost sharing schemes; policy reforms on benefits; community participation; and cost recovery mechanism.
This project paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to provide an additional financing to the Mali Rural Community Development Project in the amount of a US$ 11.2 million International Development Association (IDA) credit through the Pilot Crisis Response Window (CRW). The processing of this additional financing also includes an extension of the project closing date of the project for 12 months from June 17, 2012 to June 17, 2013, a reallocation of credit proceeds among categories and a revision of the results framework. Additional activities will support rural community-based organizations affected by the recent financial crisis and the lingering of the food and oil price crises. The project will help social associations and productive organizations restore and strengthen their capacities in managing and delivering social and productive services to community and rural producer members. In compliance with OP/BP13.20, the additional financing is consistent with the original project development objective (PDO) and will help implement additional and expanded activities that up-scale the project's impact and development effectiveness. So far project implementation has been fully satisfactory as confirmed by the recent mid-term review concluded in June 2010. No major changes are proposed to the project institutional set-up and implementation arrangements.
The development objective of the Additional Financing for the Agricultural Competitiveness and Diversification Project (ACDP) for Mali is to foster improvements in the performance of value chains for a range of agricultural and livestock products for which Mali has strong comparative advantage. The Additional Financing (AF) will help finance the costs associated with the scaling up of ACDP activities, with a view to securing a higher level of Development Objective (DO) achievements over an additional two-year project implementation period. The AF will enhance the project impact by expanding its coverage to a larger group of emerging market oriented to very small enterprises and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in project-targeted agriculture and livestock Value Chains (V/Cs). The AF focus will be on: 1) the Innovation and Investment Fund (IIF), a recipient operated financial credit line which, by extending additional matching grants for investment subprojects, will serve to disseminate innovations already demonstrated by the project; 2) continued building and strengthening of V/C Inter-Professional Organizations (IPOs); 3) facilitation of access to funding by the very small enterprises and SMEs supported by the project; and 4) completion and expansion of the commercial infrastructure program.
The National Rural Infrastructure Program Project for Mali aims to reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of the rural population by accelerating the provision, and enhancing the sustainability, of basic rural infrastructure in irrigation and transport; output markets and social services; and water supply and sanitation. The project has two 5-year phases and is supported through an Adaptable Program Loan (APL). The project has five main components in the first phase. The first component pilots a capital cost recovery mechanism; promotes private irrigation investments on large-scale schemes; improves irrigation infrastructure management; and promotes cost reduction by strengthening local private sector/nongovernmental organizational capacity. The second component sets up an autonomously managed road authority to conduct routine maintenance on the main network and feeder roads; and elaborates a national rural transport strategy. The third component helps construct water supply and sanitation facilities and provides community education activities. It also provides training to construct on-site sanitation systems for households, schools, and health centers; and improves sanitation conditions and hygienic practices. The capacity-building sub-component supports local governments, private sector/NGO providers, and public sector agencies. The fourth component implements environmental action plans. The fifth component sets up the agency for rural works and equipment (AGETIER).
The Regional Hydropower Development Project's main objectives are to: (i) reduce the long-term cost of electricity supply to the 3 countries; (ii) contribute to meeting debt service associated with the building of the Manantali dam; (iii) contribute to increasing the efficiency and reliability of power systems; (iv) establish an effective organization to construct and operate the project facilities and to mitigate environment and health impacts of the projects and the Manantali dam; (v) promote competitive private sector participation; and (vi) support the traditional agricultural sector downstream through the rational management of the Manantali reservoir. The project's components are as follows: 1) power station including civil works, electromechanical equipment, step-up substation, and reinforcement works; 2) transmission system comprising transmission lines and a dispatching center; 3) construction supervision; 4) institutional strengthening including studies, training, procurement of equipment and other support; and 5) Project Preparation Facility Advance refinancing.
The objective of the Household Energy and Universal Access Project (HEURA) is to support the Government of Mali's efforts to increase access of isolated low income populations to basic energy services to help achieve economic growth and poverty reduction targets, including those linked with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Mali still has a very low rural electrification access rate. According to the National Directorate of Energy (DNE), in 2007 only about 17 percent of the population has access to electricity. In urban areas the access rate is about 30 percent and it is about 7 percent in rural areas. These low access rates are not allowing Mali to fully harness its economic potentials to compete fairly on international markets. Most rural households meet their lighting and small power needs with kerosene, dry cell, and car batteries. They do not have any form of modern energy for lighting or for operating equipment. A spectrum of innovative service delivery mechanisms is needed with the active participation of communities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. Progress made in the last four years through the HEURA project should be sustained not only to ensure an increasing number of connections but also to ensure that energy services are impacting the competitiveness of small and medium size enterprises and social programs. This additional financing is intended to mainly finance energy services delivery sub-projects (both bottom up and top down) consistent with its initial development objective. The successful experience o f the spontaneous bottom up projects under HEURA has demonstrated the potential for energy services delivery schemes in rural Mali led by local private operators. This experience needs to be sustained by adequate and predictable financing to avoid loosing the momentum created. The bottom up rural electrification approach needs to be complemented by large scale projects which have greater scaling up potential in the sense that they can deliver the majority o f connections in the long run.
The objectives of the Transport Corridors Improvement Project for Mali are to: (a) enhance international transport through improvement of transport corridors linking Mali to the coastal countries of West Africa by rail and road respectively; and (b) sustain accessibility of the northern regions of the Borrower's territory. The main reasons for the changes are to: (i) fund a contract overrun on Bamako - Bougouni road works, which are being successfully executed; (ii) reduce road works on Sevare - Gao from 407 km to an aggregate 85 km of the most deteriorated sections to continue to meet the objective of providing land access to the northern region; and (iii) extend the project closing date to complete the works on Sevare - Gao road agreed within the restructured project.
The objective of the Growth Support Project for Mali is 'to improve the investment climate, with a focus on reducing the cost of doing business and on fostering growth contribution from high potential sectors, including mining, tourism and crafts, and telecommunications'. The restructuring aims to address the management weaknesses observed in the implementation of the project to date and to recalibrate several project components in light of changed circumstances. The restructuring involves: (i) strengthening overall project management structure; (ii) strengthening project financial management; (iii) streamlining project monitoring and evaluation; (iv) strengthening procurement processes; (v) streamlining investment climate component; (vi) focusing airports of Mali component on the development of a public-private partnership (PPP) for airports of Mali; (vii) streamlining implementation of industrial zone component; (viii) strengthening implementation arrangements for tourism component; (ix) expanding handicraft component; (x) implementing new development of financial services component; (xi) implementing enterprises support services component through multi-donor fund for support services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs); and (xii) streamlining mining component. As a result of the restructuring, the project is expected to achieve its intended development outcome, as revised, to create the conditions for increased private investment through investment climate reforms, improved access to financial services, and the provision of non-financial services to private enterprises.
The development objective of the Fostering Agricultural Productivity Project for Mali is to increase the productivity of smallholder agricultural and agribusiness producers in the targeted production systems and project areas. The major changes agreed on with the Government consist of: 1) streamlining the institutional set up to make it more efficient and foster effective coordination while empowering implementing agencies; 2) reducing the project scope resulting from the loss of the European Union-Trust Fund (EU-TF) while ensuring that key project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) indicators are well aligned with the development objective which is still relevant; and 3) reallocating International Development Association (IDA) credit to ensure that remaining project activities are fully funded. The reallocation will keep the same activities to be financed by the project. The closing date of the IDA financing agreement remains unchanged. The closing date of the EU food crisis rapid response facility TF grant agreement was April 30, 2012 with a disbursement of 1,389,830 SDR (US$ 2,105,800).
The objective of the Emergency Social Safety Nets Project for Mali is to provide targeted cash transfers to the poor and food insecure households and to establish building blocks for a national safety net system in Mali. This project will provide much needed financial assistance to poor and food insecure households while helping to protect human capital and laying the foundation for a national safety net system for the whole country for the medium-and long-term. In the short term, the project will finance cash transfers to increase and smooth food consumption of poor households and improve their ability to cope with shocks, while enhancing and protecting the human capital accumulation of their children. In parallel, the project will help to start setting-up parameters of an effective national safety net system which in the medium-and long-term could protect households in absence of shocks but could also be scaled-up in times of crisis. Some of the lessons learned includes: (i) a strong institutional framework for social protection policy is necessary for setting-up a safety net system; (ii) sustainable strategies to support chronically food-insecure households require among others, regular cash transfers for periods of at least between 24 to 36 months; (iii) rigorous Management Information System (MIS) can inform strategic decision-making; and (iv) good targeting is necessary to provide support to those who are most in need.