The objective of the Household Energy and Universal Access Project (HEURA) is to support the Government of Mali's efforts to increase access of isolated low income populations to basic energy services to help achieve economic growth and poverty reduction targets, including those linked with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Mali still has a very low rural electrification access rate. According to the National Directorate of Energy (DNE), in 2007 only about 17 percent of the population has access to electricity. In urban areas the access rate is about 30 percent and it is about 7 percent in rural areas. These low access rates are not allowing Mali to fully harness its economic potentials to compete fairly on international markets. Most rural households meet their lighting and small power needs with kerosene, dry cell, and car batteries. They do not have any form of modern energy for lighting or for operating equipment. A spectrum of innovative service delivery mechanisms is needed with the active participation of communities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. Progress made in the last four years through the HEURA project should be sustained not only to ensure an increasing number of connections but also to ensure that energy services are impacting the competitiveness of small and medium size enterprises and social programs. This additional financing is intended to mainly finance energy services delivery sub-projects (both bottom up and top down) consistent with its initial development objective. The successful experience o f the spontaneous bottom up projects under HEURA has demonstrated the potential for energy services delivery schemes in rural Mali led by local private operators. This experience needs to be sustained by adequate and predictable financing to avoid loosing the momentum created. The bottom up rural electrification approach needs to be complemented by large scale projects which have greater scaling up potential in the sense that they can deliver the majority o f connections in the long run.
Role | Nom |
Financier | International Development Association |
Organisme d'exécution | AMADER |
Source des données | World Bank Group |
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