The objective of the Fourth Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-4) for the Republic of Mali is to support government's owned reforms to improve the regulatory and institutional framework for infrastructure and private investment, strengthen public financial management, and improve basic service delivery. Specifically, the PRSC-4 focuses on supporting the government's efforts to (i) improve the business environment and enhance governance and efficiency in the agriculture and mining sectors; (ii) strengthen and modernize budget reporting and accountability; and (iii) improve education and health outcomes through improved management of health and education human resources, fiscal decentralization and co-financing the contributions of the poor in the mutual insurance schemes. The project has three components: (1) improving the policy environment for infrastructure and private investment; (2) strengthening public financial management; (3) improving basic social service delivery.
Role | Nom |
Financier | International Development Association |
Organisme d'exécution | MINISTRY OF FINANCE |
Source des données | World Bank Group |
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