This project paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to provide an additional financing to the Mali Rural Community Development Project in the amount of a US$ 11.2 million International Development Association (IDA) credit through the Pilot Crisis Response Window (CRW). The processing of this additional financing also includes an extension of the project closing date of the project for 12 months from June 17, 2012 to June 17, 2013, a reallocation of credit proceeds among categories and a revision of the results framework. Additional activities will support rural community-based organizations affected by the recent financial crisis and the lingering of the food and oil price crises. The project will help social associations and productive organizations restore and strengthen their capacities in managing and delivering social and productive services to community and rural producer members. In compliance with OP/BP13.20, the additional financing is consistent with the original project development objective (PDO) and will help implement additional and expanded activities that up-scale the project's impact and development effectiveness. So far project implementation has been fully satisfactory as confirmed by the recent mid-term review concluded in June 2010. No major changes are proposed to the project institutional set-up and implementation arrangements.
Role | Nom |
Financier | International Development Association |
Source des données | World Bank Group |
Related activities may contain more information about this activity
Role | Nom |
Child Activité | 44000-P121057 |
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