The Second Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC-11) of Mali is envisaged as a single-tranche operation, to support the Government's medium-term program ensuring budget support for Mali's fiscal year (FY) 2008. The PRSC-11 would be the second in a series of two programmatic loans (PRSCs) designed to provide support to Mali's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (GPRSF), consistent with the Bank's Country Assistance Strategy (CAS). Building on PRSC-1, the operation would: a) strengthen oversight of public finances and the procurement system, thereby enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of public sector spending; b) provide the incentive to implement key economic, social and institutional reforms to strengthen overall economic performance, growth and poverty alleviation; and c) ensure delivery of basic services in view of reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly in the health and water sectors.
Role | Nom |
Financier | International Development Association |
Source des données | World Bank Group |
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Child Activité | 44000-P114269 |
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