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Strengthening Malaria control in Mali [47045-MAL-607-G05-M]


Title Target Actual % Achieved
Number and percentage of community health workers trained in community-based management and prevention of malaria Target: N: 1,200 D: 3,000 P: 40 % Actual: N: 1,200 D: 3,000 P: 40 %
Number of children under five refered by community workers to the health facilities within 24 hours in 5 project sites (Gao, Kidal, Toumbouktou, Sikasso, Bamako) Target: 10000 Actual: 31183
Number of LLINs distributed for free to children under 5 years in 5 project sites (Gao, Kidal, Toumbouktou, Sikasso, Bamako) Target: 141000 Actual: 256432
Number of LLINs distributed for free to pregnant women in 5 project sites (Gao, Kidal, Toumbouktou, Sikasso, Bamako) Target: 275000 Actual: 247142