This project is a solidarity contribution of £20,000 to Caritas Mali’s emergency appeal EA 04/2012. Mali, like many other countries in the Sahel region, is facing a serious food and nutrition crisis. The 2011/2012 agricultural season was characterized by inadequate and unequal distribution of rain, causing a sharp drop in cereal production and a fodder deficit. The conflict that began towards the end of 2011 has increased the vulnerability and suffering of rural populations already severely affected by the food and nutrition crisis. According to the Malian Government, 3.47 million people are at risk or in severe food insecurity and 1.13 million people are in moderate food insecurity, mostly women and children. The nutritional situation has also deteriorated, and global acute malnutrition rates have reached a critical level in Timbuktu, Gao, Kayes and Koulikoro regions. Caritas Mali developed a response strategy in January 2012 and Caritas Internationalis released the Mali Emergency Appeal 04/2012 in January 2012. The EA was updated in March 2012 to take into consideration activities undertaken by other Caritas agencies in Mali (CRS, Caritas Germany and Caritas Switzerland). CAFOD has decided to focus on Niger for its response to the West Africa Sahel food crisis. Nevertheless, as discussed in IEG on 21st June 2012, CAFOD also wants to express its solidarity to other Caritas agencies and affected populations in the region, and decided to make an un-earmarked solidarity grant towards the Mali EA 04 2012 of £ 20,000. The emergency response project (see the project framework for further details) spans across the five dioceses of Kaye, Bamako, Sikasso, Segou and Mopti, and is built around the following activities: Free Food Distribution ; Sales of grain at a subsidised price ; Support to village cereal banks ; FFW ; Distribution of seeds (cereals) ; Distribution of seeds (shallots) to farmers associations.
Role | Nom |
Financier | CAFOD |
Organisme d'exécution | Caritas Mali National Office |
Source des données | CAFOD |
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