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Strengthening of the fight against HIV and AIDS in Mali for universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support: an integrated and decentralized approach in community-based health care. [47045-MAL-809-G08-H]


Title Target Actual % Achieved
Affected and infected OVC and children under 17, whose household received free basic external support to care for the child (number and %) Target: 2250 Actual: 0
Blood units tested for HIV according to National quality protocol (number and %) Target: 10000 Actual: 12316
IEC materials on HIV/AIDS broadcast (number of commercials produced on TV stations) Target: 30 Actual: 0
Number (and %) of health facilities dispensing ARV therapy that have experienced a stock-out in the last 12 months Target: N: 0 D: 100 P: 0 % Actual: N: 89 D: 89 P: 100 %
Number of adults and children living with HIV who receive treatment for opportunistic infections Target: 15370 Actual: 16317
Number of adults and children with advanced HIV who are currently receiving ARV treatment according to National protocol Target: 28115 Actual: 29237
Number of HIV+ pregnant women who received ARV drugs to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission Target: 330 Actual: 177
Number of TB/AIDS patients receiving comprehensive care in health centers, referral hospitals and ARV treatment sites. Target: 100 Actual: 46
Number of women and men aged 15 to 49 having benefited from voluntary HIV testing over the past 12 months and knowing their results Target: 33750 Actual: 5050
Pregnant women having benefited from HIV testing and knowing their results (number and %) Target: 25000 Actual: 2783