The Multi-Sectoral HIV/AIDS Project objective is to support efforts to control the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and provide sustainable access to treatment, and care to people infected with, or affected by HIV/AIDS, by strengthening the national response to the epidemic, raising the level of awareness on HIV/AIDS through the implementation of a comprehensive sensitization plan targeting high risk groups, such as youth, sex workers and truck drivers, and, providing sustainable access to testing and counseling facilities, including access to treatment, care and psychosocial support to persons infected with, or affected by the epidemic, and strengthening capacities to address, and maintain an effective monitoring and evaluation system on the epidemic. The first component - support to the public sector response - will help ministries and related public institutions initiate and/or expand the response to HIVIAIDS, by supporting ministries' preparedness, and implementation of sectoral plans that address the challenge of HIV/AIDS with an emphasis on prevention and care. The component will finance, and assist in the preparation of the ministries' action plans for HIVIAIDS control; and capacity building within the Government to manage the fight against HIV/AIDS in a sustainable manner. The second component will leverage the capacity of the private sector, and accelerate the effectiveness of the Government's efforts fighting HIV/AIDS, mobilizing the private sector through the creation of a business coalition against HIV/AIDS, targeting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), emphasizing participation by the informal sector through pilot, and demonstrative initiatives. The objective of the third component is to develop initiatives to combat HIVIAIDS by civil society organizations (CSOs), including community based organizations (CBOs), faith based organizations (FBOs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), women and youth groups, associations of people living with AIDS, and other grass roots associations. Capacity building will be reinforced to identify, prepare and implement action plans, and sub-projects. The last component will provide technical support services, equipment and materials, to develop a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system, including financial and technical aspects, to support epidemiological surveillance, operational research and surveys. A demographic and health survey, and a bio-annual behavioral surveillance survey will be implemented to monitor changes supported by training, and supervision. Certification of laboratories, voluntary counseling and testing, of treatment centers, and pharmacies providing antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) will be ensured.
Role | Nom |
Financier | International Development Association |
Organisme d'exécution | SECRETARIAT EXECUTIF DU HCNLS |
Source des données | World Bank Group |
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Child Activité | 44000-P115491 |
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