The development objective of the Additional Financing for the Agricultural Competitiveness and Diversification Project (ACDP) for Mali is to foster improvements in the performance of value chains for a range of agricultural and livestock products for which Mali has strong comparative advantage. The Additional Financing (AF) will help finance the costs associated with the scaling up of ACDP activities, with a view to securing a higher level of Development Objective (DO) achievements over an additional two-year project implementation period. The AF will enhance the project impact by expanding its coverage to a larger group of emerging market oriented to very small enterprises and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in project-targeted agriculture and livestock Value Chains (V/Cs). The AF focus will be on: 1) the Innovation and Investment Fund (IIF), a recipient operated financial credit line which, by extending additional matching grants for investment subprojects, will serve to disseminate innovations already demonstrated by the project; 2) continued building and strengthening of V/C Inter-Professional Organizations (IPOs); 3) facilitation of access to funding by the very small enterprises and SMEs supported by the project; and 4) completion and expansion of the commercial infrastructure program.
Role | Nom |
Financier | International Development Association |
Organisme d'exécution | MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE |
Source des données | World Bank Group |
Related activities may contain more information about this activity
Role | Nom |
Child Activité | 44000-P098268 |
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