The Urban Development and Decentralization Project's main objective is to improve urban infrastructure service delivery on a sustainable basis by local government, in partnership with the Central Government the private sector and communities. The specific operational objectives are to: a) build local government management capacity; b) improve the provision of basic urban services; c) help preserve Mali's historical cities and monuments; and d) pursue improvements in urban land market operation. The project will include five main components: a) capacity building- consisting of studies, detailed mapping, assigning street addresses, setting up municipal accounting systems, training and support; b) basic urban infrastructure- consisting of maintenance, urban road rehabilitation and construction, sanitation actions, living condition improvement, land development, studies and management; c) historic cities and monuments including restoration and preservation of sites as well as construction of a National Library, Archives and documentation center; d) drinking water supply; and e) land development for housing.
Role | Nom |
Financier | International Development Association |
Source des données | World Bank Group |
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